Surgery-Anaesthesiology Clinic is formed from surgery, anaesthesiology-intensive care ward, emergency, emergency medical ward, martenity and gynaecological ward.
There are also two operating rooms.
Additionally for stationary hospital treatment we provide advisory reception and are constantly expanding our Day Surgery procedures selection.
Emergency Medical Ward
Patients requiring such care are provided with these services 24 hours a day irrespective of whether they are covered by health insurance.
The hospital's personal liability fee is 5 €. The European health insurance card will not compensate the cost of the personal liability fee; it will only be compensated under private insurance.
Martenity and Gynaecological Ward
In martenity ward the parturient is privatly in delivery room. For pain relieve we offer the possiblility to use a bath and other resources that help woman to take different positions during the delivery – gymnastic ball, „stool", madrass. The parturient can choose different positions for delivery and we offer also possibility of „water delivery". It is possible to get different kind of medical pain-releivers like epidural analgesia. In the new funktional delivery bed the mother can feel herself comfortable through out the delivery and take rest after the delivery.
After delivery we offer yoghurt and juice or tea for the mother to regain the energy. The baby stays with mother 24h. In the family room the other parent can be with the family 24h (costs 15 EUR/per day).
Internal Medical Clinic
Internal Medical Clinic is formed from internal medical ward and pediatric ward.
We offer treatment for patients requiring both scheduled and emergency treatment. Cardiology, endocrinology, neurology, pulmonology and profession of internal medicine are represented in our clinic.
Psychiatry Clinic
Psychiatry clinic offers in-patient and out-patient care services. The patients coming in psychiatric clinic need emergency treatment/care and there are also scheduled patients.
Long-term Care Centre
Mission of centre is to provide the medical service, nursing service and care due to the patient's or client's needs: to guarantee possibly good coping in everyday life due to the patient's/ client'condition. The centre provides stationary long term care, home nursing, geriatric assessment, general care services.
Rehabilitation Centre
Rehabilitation Centre offers the rehabilitation procedures during the recovery from acute illness and also for chronic conditions.
Diagnostic Service comprises three different centres – a laboratory, the Radiology Centre and Diagnostic Centre. The areas of activity are endoscopy, laboratory medicine, pathology and radiology.